Worldlist generating consoles

Console - Senior dictionary

For organisers to run a Bingola game online, you need a wordlist generating console. You may have seen a wordlist printed on paper. Here you can find the online version.

The online version of the wordlist generator is the recommended method to organise a game of Bingola. It is easier to use. It generates an unlimited number of games. Because it operates from this website, it is available on any device connected to the internet, including laptops, tablets and mobile phones. No special software is required, except for standard JavaScript, already built into every Internet browser.

For teachers and parents, the online console has four grades of children's dictionaries. The easiest level is grade 1 with 500 simple words. It is suitable for any child that knows the alphabet. The highest level is grade 4 with 2,500 words, suitable for any primary school student to expand their vocabulary.

The senior dictionary has words that may require explanation from an adult or teacher (PG), but no vulgar or distressing words. It is suitable for adults, high school students and mature readers in the primary system.

To continue, just choose one of the consoles below. The dictionary will be loaded automatically and you can play any number of games you want.

Wordlist consoles by dictionary

Grade 1 Dictionary

Grade 2 Dictionary

Grade 3 Dictionary

Grade 4 Dictionary

Full / Senior Dictionary (PG)

Wordlist console instructions

It should only take a second for the console to load on your screen. It should then adjust the display to match your screen or device automatically. If there are any problems use either the adjustment buttons provided or use your browser controls. You can immediately start your first cases.

To start the game press the large button, with the DOWN arrow. The first word will appear on the blue word list.

Italic words are either homophones or have variations in spelling. These words should be either spelt out or given a context, so that players know what letter-vowel combinations can be ticked off. For example, are you saying "won" or "one". Players need to know if they can tick off Wo or Ne.

For the next word press the large DOWN button again. The next word will appear at the top of the blue word list. The earlier words will move down. The turn number will go forward by one.

To reverse the word list press the small UP button. The turn number will reduce by one. The latest word will be hidden again.

To check a winning ticket compare that ticket against the red-orange grid at the top of the screen. Make sure every letter and letter-vowel combination on the ticket is also shown your screen. If a square is orange, then all vowels have been called for that letter.

Reset button is used to start a new game. This button also cancels the existing game. A reset generates a new word list and clears the display to start again. A reset cannot be undone. If it is pressed accidently, the old game is lost.

Note: Avoid pressing the button many times rapidly, as this activates other browser features, like zooming in.

Wordlist console display adjustments

At the top of the console are three buttons to control the way the console is displayed. In most cases, these adjustments will be automatic when the console is first displayed.

The Device button switches between monitor (landscape) mode and mobile phone (portrait mode), where the red grid is less wide and consonants and vowel are on separate lines. The image on the button shows what will happen if it is pressed.

The Text size buttons increase or decrease the size of the text. Press the button as many times as needed to find the size that best fits. Avoid clicking the button quickly, as this may activate another feature of your browser, such as zooming in.

Print PDF wordlists

Most organisers run Bingola via one of the online consoles above, however PDF wordlists may be downloaded and printed on office paper. The printed versions are ideal for children and adults who don't use the internet.

There are 20 or 25 games in each downloadable PDF document. Each wordlist has a game number, although feel free to use them in any order. Find all the wordlists you could need on the following pages:

Wordlists for 2025 by quarter: Q1 |  Q2 |  Q3 |  Q4 | 
Wordlists by dictionary: Full/Senior |  Grade 4 |  Grade 3 |  Grade 2 |  Grade 1 |  Australian |